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Meaningful Experiences and Seeing God at Work
By Katie Walsh
God has been redefining my understanding of what it means to witness and what it means that He draws all men unto Himself. My English Corner students have been coming out with me almost every weekend. They are spending time with my friends and me at our worship and Bible study night. One night three of us went out to White Spot just because they had never been! They are asking me questions about this Jesus guy. They ask me about Christianity, God, my beliefs, and things like "Why is there a cross at the front of most churches? What is a cross?" Wow!! Does it come any more pre-packaged than that?

It is beautiful to see God drawing them to Him and His life! People really do want to know Who created them and why. The ministry of reconciliation is cool!

Getting stuff together for The Point ( , our new church at Simon Fraser University, is both intense and full of hidden blessings. God is working everything out and keeping our heads from exploding. Several of my friends have told me that they not only want to come out, but also help. One of these friends is my buddy, Brandon, who gave his life to Christ last month at the age of 19! Wooo-hooo!!!

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