MacMaster Students on a 3 week mission trip to Cambodia & Vietnam.
Christine Connolly from Sanctuary West Church, 2005
Thank you very much for praying for me and the team when we were on our three week mission's trip to Cambodia/Vietnam. To present an overview of the trip I am citing from my Pastor's letter:
- We visited a village in southern Vietnam of 400 people. In the past six months, 100 have become followers of Christ. We successfully delivered some booklets and dvd's in their own language so they can grow spiritually.
- About twenty Khmer from Vietnam came to Cambodia to hear the gospel in a training session. Thirteen of them were baptized and two of them stated that they counted the cost of this decision by saying they would be willing to follow Christ by going back to their village to share the good news. Jail time and persecution are very strong probabilities for these individuals.
- A famous Khmer family who are talented musicians and actors are being discipled. The husband has nine wives and 40 children. About a year or so ago he had a vision of Christ and made a profession of faith. We distributed his story on audio tape in Vietnam. We spent two days with him and some of his wives, teaching them English and discipling them. This was the first time that some of the wives and children had studied the Bible. After he professed faith in Christ, he wanted to find a Christian wife to add to his family. Instead of doing that, he was encouraged to take care of the ones he already has and lead them to Christ.
- We gave dvd's and books to three Buddhist monks on a four hour bus ride in Vietnam. They were so hungry for the truth that they are going to take the materials back to their temple to share them with the other monks.
- We visited an older lady whose husband was killed in prison by the VC army during the war 34 years ago. The VC has confiscated her land and told her not to believe in Jesus or she would be arrested. We left some materials with her. She said she would listen to the audio tapes secretly at night because the VC closely watch her house.
- We delivered 40 Vietnamese Bibles to two pastors in Vietnam. They are carefully watched by the government but have a heat to spread the good news.
On a personal note I felt God really showed me that there is a deep hunger in Vietnam for the Truth, but there are so few people and resources to reach the nation. We experienced to a small degree, what the believers face on a daily basis; the lack of freedom to speak the name of Jesus, to pray in public places and to express God's love in conversation. There was a sense of spiritual release to be back in Cambodia and a gratitude for the 'religious' freedom we take for granted in Canada. Despite the lack of workers, God is doing a mighty work in the Khmer Krom in Vietnam. God is rising Khmer believers for His Name's sake in Vietnam and it was very encouraging to meet with people who are truly willing to risk their lives for the One, True, Living God.
God Bless
Christine Connolly
Sanctuary West Church, Hamilton.